
Ritual books for use in the Sacraments
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    Christian communities remember the names of their dead, in prayers of intercession and on anniversaries. The names of those who are called saints are chanted in litany as we approach baptism and other central moments in the life of the church. Especially in November, from All Saints Day until Thanksgiving, many parishes give a place of special honor in their church to the book containing the names of the dead. Parishioners may write the names of those they wish to remember in this special book each year. This beautifully appointed book has a simple prominence, worthy of its solemn intent. The paper is of archival quality and the printing is in two colors.

    Hardcover, 9 x 12, 128 pages.

    The book is available in an English only

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    Ritual de Exequias Cristianas - Misa Exequial, Edición bilingüe del pueblo

    The Order of Christian Funerals conveys a strong message of hope to the bereaved family and parish community and places great emphasis on participation by the assembly. In this edition the assembly's parts for the Funeral Mass and Final Commendation are given. It includes music carefully selected from the best traditional and contemporary sources. This bilingual edition contains the basic texts in English and Spanish and offers an opportunity to follow the Funeral Mass in both languages and traditions.

    El Ritual de Exequias Cristianas expresa un fuerte mensaje de esperanza a la desconsolada familia y a la comunidad de la parroquia. También, subraya la participación de la asamblea. Esta edición contiene las partes de la asamblea por la Misa Funeral y la Última Despedida. Incluye música escojida detenidamente de los mejores fuentes tradicionales y contemporáneos. Esta edición bilingüe tiene los textos básicos en inglés y español y ofrece a todos una oportunidad para seguir la Misa Funeral en el idioma y la tradición de los dos.

    Details: 88 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4

    • $3.50

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    All ministers of Communion will want to have and use these official texts for bringing the Eucharist to the sick. Also useful for the confined person to read in preparation for receiving the Eucharist.

    Newly revised according to The Roman Missal, Third Edition

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    Manual for the Penitent

    The penitent will find prayers of preparation, a form of examination of conscience, a rite for reconciliation of individual penitents, a communal rite with individual confession and absolution, and prayers of thanksgiving for reconciliation.

    Details: 48 pgs, 4 x 6 1/2 x 1/8
    Publication Date: 10/01/1996

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    Ceremonial of Bishops

    Published by The Liturgical Press

    The reform of liturgical rites ordered by the Second Vatican Council necessitated a revision of the Caeremoniale Episcoporum, published in 1886. The objective of this ceremonial is to provide a liturgy for bishops that will stand as a model for all other celebrations.

    The eight divisions of the book cover everything from the Mass through liturgical celebrations in connection with the government of a diocese. This is a valued reference for bishops, masters of ceremonies, diocesan liturgical offices, seminary libraries, etc. Two-color printing to separate text from rubrics.

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    The Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition, A handsomely bound, gold and silver-stamped book, contains the texts for the new, revised order plus the optional rites including the Order of Baptism within Mass. It features the official ritual for several children and one child; parts clearly marked for the celebrant, parents, and godparents; an explanation of the sacrament; and appropriate Scripture readings.

    The second edition contains large, easy-to-read 14 point type and is printed in two colors to help distinguish the parts for the celebrant, parents, and godparents. Three elegant ribbon markers assure easy use.

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    Breve explicación, preparación y Oraciones para la celebración domestica o comunitaria de ese día.

    Brief explanation, preparation and prayers for domestic or community celebration of the Day of the Dead.

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    Ritual de la Penitencia (Rite of Penance)

    Published by De Buena Prensa

    Orientaciones litúrgicopastorales de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica. Celebraciones penitenciales para Cauresma, Adviento y Tiempo Ordinario. Celebraciones penitenciales especiales para niños, para jóvenes y para enfermos. Guí­as para el examen de conciencia: generales, para niños, para jóvenes. Leccionario completo para las celebraciones penitenciales con la traducción oficial del Episcopado Mexicano.

    Liturgical/pastoral guidance from the Bishops Commission on Liturgical Ministry Penitential celebrations for Lent, Advent and Ordinary Time. Special penitential celebrations for children, youth, and the sick. Guides for the Examination of Conscience : general, for children, for youth. Complete Lectionary for penitential celebrations with the official translation of the Mexican Bishops Conference.

    • $69.95

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    Ritual de exequias Cristianas: Vigilia, Liturgia Funeral, y Rito de Sepelio

    Order of Christian Funerals: Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Rite of Committal

    Revised Bilingual Edition

    Publisher De Buena Prensa

    El Ritual de exequias Cristianas le permite al ministro, después de consultar a los familiares, escoger aquellos ritos y textos que mejor se adapten a la situación: aquellos que más exactamente se acomoden a las necesidades de los dolientes, las circunstancias de la muerte, y las costumbres de la comunidad cristiana del lugar. Las notas pastorales pueden ayudar al ministro y a la familia en la selección del rito apropiado.

    El Ritual de exequias Cristianas incluye "Vigilia por un Difunto," "Ritos Relacionados," "Misa Exequial," "Liturgia Exequial fuera de la Misa," "Rito de Sepelio," "Rito de Sepelio con Ultima Despedida," "Exequias de Adultos," "Antífonas y Salmos," "Oraciones y Textos en Casos Extraordinarios," "Oraciones por lost Difuntos," y "Sagrada Comunión fuera de la Misa."

    This bilingual edition of the Order of Christian Funerals contains the basic texts in English and Spanish for vigil services, funeral liturgies, committal services, prayers and texts for particular circumstances, and Holy Communion outside of Mass. Large, easy to read type is printed in two colors and ribbon markers assure easy use.

    The Order of Christian Funerals includes "Vigil for the Deceased," "Related Rites and Prayers," "Funeral Mass," "Funeral Liturgy Outside Mass," "Rite of Committal," "Rite of Committal with Final Commendation," "Funerals for Adults," "Antiphons and Psalms," "Prayers and Texts in Particular Circumstances," and "Holy Communion Outside of Mass."

    • $124.95

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    Ritual de Exequias Cristianas

    Vigilia por un difunto Vísperas, Bilingüe edición del pueblo

    El Ritual de Exequias Cristianas expresa un fuerte mensaje de esperanza a la desconsolada familia y a la comunidad de la parroquia. También, subraya la participación de la asamblea. Esta edición da la parte de la asamblea por dos servicios distintos: la Vigilia y Vísperas. Incluye música escojida detenidamente de los mejores fuentes tradicionales y contemporóneos con la participación de la asamblea en mente. Esta edición bilingüe tiene los textos en inglés y español y ofrece a todos una oportunidad para seguir la Vigilia en el idioma y la tradición de los dos.

    The Order of Christian Funerals conveys a strong message of hope to the bereaved family and parish community and places great emphasis on participation by the assembly. In this edition the assembly's parts for two distinct services are given: the Vigil Service and the Evening Prayer for the Dead. It includes music carefully selected from the best traditional and contemporary sources with the participation of the assembly in mind. This bilingual edition contains the texts in English and Spanish and offers everyone an opportunity to follow each service in both languages and traditions.

    • $4.95

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