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Sagrada Biblia - Dios Habla Hoy
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This edition includes the approved New American Bible text (with Revised New Testament and Psalms) approved for Catholic Liturgy. The Catholic Readers Edition is unique because it contains the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. Known in Latin as "Dei Verbum" or "Word of God" this vital teaching document characterizes the Catholic Church's guidance on reading and interpreting the Word of God.
Características Especiales:Constitución Dogmática sobre la Divina Revelación Libros Deuterocanónicos en orden Canónico Índice de Páginas Traducción sencilla directamente de las lenguas originales Imprimátur: @Alfonso López Trujillo Secretario General del CELAM Paperback, Size: 5.5in. x 8.125in. x 1.25in. / 14cm x 20.6cm x 3.4cm
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