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La Biblia LatinoamÃerica
Esta es la ediciÃn revisida de 1995. TraducciÃn, presentaciÃn y commentarios de RamÃn Ricciardi y Bernardo Hurault. Texto Ãntegro traducido del hebreo y el greigo. Incluye notas al pie de página, pasajes paralelos, comentarios e ilustraciones. Tiene un forro de plastico translÃcido.
The Latin American BibleRevised in 1995 with an introduction and commentaries by Raymond Ricciardi and Bernard Hault. Translated directly from the original Hebrew and Greek. Includes footnotes, parallels, comentaries and illustrations. 1,440 páginas; cubierto rústica; 6 x 8-1/4
This bible is available in a hard cover and a soft cover as well as Letra Grande in hardcover and softcover. Please make your selection below.
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